April 14 – 20, 2024
Citywide Arts & Culture Events

01420 Week 2024 has concluded:

Read all about it in the recap blog post series!

A week long showcase of Fitchburg’s cultural assets and community pride

This celebration will focus on diverse cultural expressions and highlight local talent.

01420 Week lands during Patriot's Day and Fitchburg Public School spring vacation, allowing plenty to do on those days off!

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  • Save the date and start planning for 01420 Week: April 14th-20th!

    This is a showcase of Fitchburg’s cultural assets and community pride. This week-long celebration, will focus on diverse cultural expressions and highlight local talent. 01420 Week lands during Patriot's Day (a common observed day off) and Fitchburg Public School spring vacation, allowing plenty to do on those days off!

    See the event list below for confirmed programs.

    Have an Arts & Culture event confirmed to occur during 01420 Week in Fitchburg? Get added to the branding of 01420 FACE Week! Or maybe you're just thinking about planning an event. Consider the holidays that land on each day. We encourage events, activities, performances, workshops, seminars, etc.

    Need assistance?
    Register here for all of the above: http://tinyurl.com/01420Faceweekregister

    Would you like to help coordinate?
    If you are interested in providing input, help plan, or organizing the week-long extravaganza? Sign up for our weekly Monday FACE committee at 7pm online where we discuss 01420 Week and more: https://tinyurl.com/FitchburgCommitteeSignUps

Stock photo of violinists
Teens making colorful chalk artwork on asphalt
Man with afro and sunglasses speaking into a microphone

Event Schedule (Subject to change)

  • Sunday 4/14

    Starting 9am | Bear Bones Sculpture, 275 Franklin Rd.
    Steel Sculpture Workshops: Owls

    Learn the metal sculpture process with Matt Dunn of Bear Bones Sculpture. Together we will create your very own horseshoe owl.

    [UPDATE: All owl-making slots are booked, but all are welcome to come view the process.]


    11am-5pm | Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St
    Free Admission

    Free admission for FITCHBURG RESIDENTS ONLY all week. Check hours with venue.


    1-9pm Su-Sa | Mill Street
    Activate Mill Street: Beer & Wine Garden

    A vibrant week-long activation of Mill Street, showcasing the potential of public spaces in Fitchburg through live entertainment, local commerce, and community engagement. Limited beer and wine bar; 01420 Week merchandise sold.


    6-9pm | Mill Street
    Uncle Sho’s Variety Show

    Hosted by Uncle Sho (Shotyme), this variety show features comedy, music, and other performances. Enjoy the outdoor Mill Street venue and a limited beer & wine bar!

  • Young person making chalk artwork on pavement

    Monday 4/15

    1-5pm | Main Street, starting at the Upper Common
    ”Main Street Stanzas” Sidewalk Chalk Poetry

    Community members will create and/or select poetry that will be written on the sidewalks up and down Main St- starting at the upper common to cover the sidewalks in poems. Poetry will be created/selected in advance and community members will gather at the upper common to cover the sidewalks in poetry using washable chalk.


    1-9pm Su-Sa | Mill Street
    Activate Mill Street: Beer & Wine Garden

    A vibrant week-long activation of Mill Street, showcasing the potential of public spaces in Fitchburg through live entertainment, local commerce, and community engagement. Limited beer and wine bar; 01420 Week merchandise sold.


    6-8pm | Shining Starz Studio of Dance, 454 Main Street (Rear Entrance)
    Cypha in Da Burg Workshop (Breakdancing)
    Cypha In Da Burg will be doing a 2 hour workshop series presenting Breakdance to all ages, families or those interested in learning the basic fundamentals of Breakdancin' by Professional Breakdance Instructors followed by a Live Professional DJ, and performances.

  • Tuesday 4/16

    10am - 1pm | First Parish Church, 923 Main St.
    Blue Lotus Flower Meditation Retreat by Luxurious Gina Studios (UPDATED: All Ages.)

    Registration required via Eventbrite

    This is a very unique and interactive mind, body, and spirit centered retreat blending 3 hours of ancient and cultural plant practices, restorative yoga, sound meditation, a ‘finding heart’ game by curious escape rooms , and a modern meditation photo station for memories.


    11am-7pm | FATV, 780 Main St
    FATV (Fitchburg Access Television) Open House

    Drop in anytime from 11AM to 7PM to tour our community media center. Watch a LIVE studio taping of the “Barbara and You” show starting at 3PM. Come on by at 5PM to take a ride on a starship or walk on the moon thanks to our green screen!


    1-5pm Tu-Fri | Main Street Studios
    Recycled Art Challenge

    Partake in the Recycled Art Challenge! Main Street Studios will be open from 12-5 Tuesday, April 16 through Friday, April 19 - when you can visit and make art with recycled materials (take out containers, cardboard, bottles). Or come on Tuesday to pick up some materials and return it on Friday. All the artwork will be part of a display in Main Street Studios through the rest of April and May.


    1-9pm Su-Sa | Mill Street
    Activate Mill Street: Beer & Wine Garden

    A vibrant week-long activation of Mill Street, showcasing the potential of public spaces in Fitchburg through live entertainment, local commerce, and community engagement. Limited beer and wine bar; 01420 Week merchandise sold.


    6-7pm | Main Street Studios, 675 Main St
    Free Yoga Class


    Looking for some time to decompress? Join us for some Yoga at Main St Studios. Please bring a Yoga mat, water, and wear something comfortable. This class is part of the Fitchburg Wellness Initiative. Instructor: Ashely Valeri.

  • Wednesday 4/17

    12-4pm | Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St
    Free Admission

    Free admission for FITCHBURG RESIDENTS ONLY all week. Check hours with venue.


    1-9pm Su-Sa | Mill Street
    Activate Mill Street: Beer & Wine Garden

    A vibrant week-long activation of Mill Street, showcasing the potential of public spaces in Fitchburg through live entertainment, local commerce, and community engagement. Limited beer and wine bar; 01420 Week merchandise sold.


    1-5pm Tu-Fri | Main Street Studios
    Recycled Art Challenge

    Partake in the Recycled Art Challenge! Main Street Studios will be open from 12-5 Tuesday, April 16 through Friday, April 19 - when you can visit and make art with recycled materials (take out containers, cardboard, bottles). Or come on Tuesday to pick up some materials and return it on Friday. All the artwork will be part of a display in Main Street Studios through the rest of April and May.


    4-5pm | Fitchburg Public Library, 166 Boulder Dr
    Kokedama Japanese Planting for Kids age 8-12 with New England Botanic Garden (Registration REQUIRED, click here)

    Children, ages 8-12, are invited to learn about this Japanese planting style and create their own miniature Kokedama display with the New England Botanic Garden. Registration is required. Registration begins March 25. Call the library at 978-829-1789 or email fplyl@cwmars.org to register.


    5-9pm | Mill Street
    A Market on Mill

    Pop-up market curated by Lauren Olivia Designs, featuring local makers and artisans.


    6pm | Main Street Studios, 675 Main St
    Arts & Culture Public Input Forum

    What kind of cultural projects and events do you want to see more in Fitchburg?

    Fitchburg residents of all ages, you are invited to bring your ideas to what should be an entertaining and beneficial open forum. The Public Input Forum will also provide an opportunity to meet many of the local artists and to learn how to access state grant money for cultural programs in Fitchburg.

  • Thursday 4/18

    12-4pm | Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St
    Free Admission

    Free admission for FITCHBURG RESIDENTS ONLY all week. Check hours with venue.


    1-5pm Tu-Fri | Main Street Studios
    Recycled Art Challenge

    Partake in the Recycled Art Challenge! Main Street Studios will be open from 12-5 Tuesday, April 16 through Friday, April 19 - when you can visit and make art with recycled materials (take out containers, cardboard, bottles). Or come on Tuesday to pick up some materials and return it on Friday. All the artwork will be part of a display in Main Street Studios through the rest of April and May.


    1-9pm Su-Sa | Mill Street
    Activate Mill Street: Beer & Wine Garden

    A vibrant week-long activation of Mill Street, showcasing the potential of public spaces in Fitchburg through live entertainment, local commerce, and community engagement. Limited beer and wine bar; 01420 Week merchandise sold.


    2-3:30pm | Fitchburg Public Library Teen Center, 166 Boulder Dr
    Teen Blackout Poetry Day

    Blackout Poetry is a form of poetry where someone copies or uses words already written, such as a newspaper article, a page from an old book, or a printout of news articles, and uses black pen to cover up the words they don't want to see on the page, leaving a new composition behind with the words they do want to see. For ages 11-18.


    2:30-3:30pm | Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St
    Taino Culture Performance and Presentation

    The Guaribono Nakan, a indigenous youth group who’s advocating for Taino and other indigenous peoples rights, will be performing at the Fitchburg Art Museum and presenting Taino culture to raise awareness on Taino people's existence.


    6-9pm | Mill Street Stage
    "01420” Hip Hop on Mill Street

    Pop-Up performance by JC the God (producer) and ME978 (emcee) performing their joint project "01420" on at Mill Street Stage. Opening Set by T'z Von Marcello.

    Parental advisory: adult lyrics

    Limited beer & wine bar


    7-9pm | Christ Church, 569 Main St
    Open Choir Rehearsal & Organ Demo

    The choirs of Fitchburg State University and Christ Church Fitchburg will be rehearsing (for all to sit it and listen!) ahead of their upcoming concert of the music of Franz Joseph Haydn.

  • Friday 4/19

    12-4pm | Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St
    Free Admission

    Free admission for FITCHBURG RESIDENTS ONLY all week. Check hours with venue.


    1-2:30pm | Senior Center, 14 Wallace St
    Thurston Consort in performance at O'Neil Hall, Fitchburg Senior Center

    The full Thurston Consort ensemble will perform music from the early baroque, English Country Dance, music from the Celtic lands. As a preview of our May 12th concert the consort will preform music from Latin America and will end with music by 19th century Fitchburg Composer, Andrew Whitney.


    1-5pm Tu-Fri | Main Street Studios
    Recycled Art Challenge

    Partake in the Recycled Art Challenge! Main Street Studios will be open from 12-5 Tuesday, April 16 through Friday, April 19 - when you can visit and make art with recycled materials (take out containers, cardboard, bottles). Or come on Tuesday to pick up some materials and return it on Friday. All the artwork will be part of a display in Main Street Studios through the rest of April and May.

    1-9pm Su-Sa | Mill Street
    Activate Mill Street: Beer & Wine Garden

    A vibrant week-long activation of Mill Street, showcasing the potential of public spaces in Fitchburg through live entertainment, local commerce, and community engagement. Limited beer and wine bar; 01420 Week merchandise sold.


    2-3pm | Fitchburg Public Library, 166 Boulder Dr
    Scrunch-Paint a Silk Scarf
    (Adults only, please)

    Registration link: https://bit.ly/01420Scarf

    Ideal for the beginner, no experience necessary. Instructions will be given for a step by step creative process and each participant will go home with a beautiful, wearable creation. Registration is required, as seats are limited. Registration opens April 1.


    7pm | Main Street Studios, 675 Main St
    Broadway Karaoke

    Sing your favorite showtune or one you always wished you could perform on the stage.


    7-9:30pm | Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St
    Out of the Ordinary with Worcester Chamber Music Society

    Worcester Chamber Music Society performs music of Melanie Bonis, Felix Mendelssohn and Franz Schubert. Pre-Concert Talk at 7:00pm; Concert at 7:30pm.

    Admission: $38. For free tickets for Fitchburg Residents, email boxoffice@worcesterchambermusic.org with your name and address.


    7:30-9pm | The Boulder Cafe
    Comedy at the Boulder Cafe

    A power hour of whimsically whacked comedy every Third Friday to knock you on your ass and start your weekend right!

    Tickets are $10 online, couples and group discounts are available online, but tickets will be $10/per person flat AT THE DOOR so grab your seats NOW!!!

  • Saturday 4/20

    10:30-11am | Fitchburg Public Library, 166 Boulder Dr
    Saturday Storytime: Earth Day

    Join us at the library's temporary location, 166 Boulder Drive, for a fun storytime! This storytime is for children of all ages and includes songs, movement, & stories.


    11am-4pm | Emile Goguen Park, 94-80 Daniels St
    Pop Up Street Art Festival
    Join us in Cleghorn for a live mural installation, hip-hop musical showcase, break dance performance and demo, community mural and free workshops!


    1-4pm | Fitchburg Riverfront Park
    Tablado Celeste: Uruguayan Culture Showcase

    Bringing Uruguayan carnival to Fitchburg at Riverfront Park. It will feature local group/artists that represent a cultural aspect of the month long carnival experienced in Uruguay. Planned for 1-4 PM. Invited vendors, sale of food, kids activities.


    11am-5pm | Fitchburg Art Museum, 185 Elm St
    Free Admission

    Free admission for FITCHBURG RESIDENTS ONLY all week. Check hours with venue.


    1-9pm Su-Sa | Mill Street
    Activate Mill Street: Beer & Wine Garden

    A vibrant week-long activation of Mill Street, showcasing the potential of public spaces in Fitchburg through live entertainment, local commerce, and community engagement. Limited beer and wine bar; 01420 Week merchandise sold.

  • Earth Day: Sunday 4/21

    12-3pm | Fitchburg Riverfront Park
    Fitchburg Celebrates Earth Day

    A family-friendly event dedicated to raising awareness about the impact of pollution on our planet. Learn how to adopt environmentally sustainable habits and take meaningful action for a healthier Earth.

All Week: Activate Mill Street!

A vibrant week-long activation of Mill Street, showcasing the potential of public spaces in Fitchburg through live entertainment, local commerce, and community engagement.

Exact times and dates to be determined. Attractions will include:

  • Uncle Sho's Variety Show featuring comedy, music, and performances.

  • A Market on Mill, curated by Lauren Olivia Designs, featuring local makers and artisans.

  • "Fitchburg" 01420 Week branded merchandise, including t-shirts

  • Nightly limited beer and wine bar from The Cellar

Our Partners

Logo: FACE, Fitchburg Arts & Culture Events
Logo: Fitchburg Creative City Partnership
Logo: CoFF33 Corp, Empowering Creatives
Seal of the City of Fitchburg MA